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Why Do I Feel Tired After 8 Hours of Sleep?

Why Do I Feel Tired After 8 Hours of Sleep?

You’ve been tired lately, so last night, you made an effort to get to bed early. You thought the extra rest would leave you feeling refreshed, but instead, you’re still feeling tired and cranky. And this isn’t the first time this has happened to you either.

So what gives? Why do you still feel tired after eight hours of sleep?

The answer can include a combination of factors, which Dr. Christopher Riegel and his team at The Riegel Center can help you sort out. Here’s a look at a few likely culprits.

Why is poor sleep an issue?

If you’re not getting enough quality sleep, you’re putting yourself and those around you at risk. You’ll be more irritable. You'll have reduced concentration, and you’ll be dealing with daytime drowsiness. Sleep deficiency creates a greater risk of falls and broken bones, and it impacts driving by increasing your risk of an accident.

You’re also at greater risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, kidney disease, depression, and obesity.

External factors

Chronic sleep issues can be caused by several external issues that you can control. Drinking caffeine late in the day can keep your brain and body alert past bedtime while drinking alcohol in the evening can prevent your body from going into a deep sleep where it achieves the greatest rest, relaxation, and repair.

Exercising too late in the day can also raise your adrenaline levels, heart rate, and core temperature, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Finally, using your phone, iPad, or television before bedtime can suppress the production of melatonin in your body, keeping you from sleeping well.

But if you've made lifestyle changes and still feel tired after eight hours, it’s time to look deeper.

Hormone imbalance

You may also be dealing with a hormone imbalance that keeps you from sleeping well. Even minor changes in the levels of cortisol, melatonin, growth hormone, or leptin can decrease the quality of your sleep.

Often, your hormone levels naturally decrease as you age. As testosterone and estrogen levels fall, for example, they drive your melatonin levels down as well.


So what can you do about it? Our team at The Riegel Center will start by testing your hormone levels. Once we know the underlying cause, we will build a customized treatment plan for you. That could include bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to bump your levels, and it can also include controlling all environmental factors, such as going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

If you’re struggling with sleep management, you may need a professional to get you back on track. The Riegel Center can help! Call 972-382-5414 or use our easy online form to request an appointment, and we’ll have you sleeping well sooner than you think!

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