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What to Expect One Month After Starting Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

What to Expect One Month After Starting Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you're considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), we want to help you have realistic expectations about what to anticipate— even as soon as one month after treatment.

At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, Christopher J. Riegel, MD, and our professional team understand the discomfort hormone imbalances can cause. That’s why we offer hormone replacement therapy for both women and men.

Let’s explore what BHRT is and what it can do for you.

Understanding BHRT

BHRT is a form of hormone therapy that uses hormones identical in molecular structure to those produced naturally by your body. It often relieves symptoms of menopause or andropause but can also treat other conditions related to hormone imbalances.

What to expect soon after treatment

After one month of BHRT, you can expect to start feeling some changes in your body. Common improvements include:

Better mood

Many people report feeling happier and more stable emotionally after starting BHRT. This mood change is likely because BHRT can help balance out the hormones responsible for mood regulation, such as estrogen and progesterone.

Increased energy

Fatigue and low energy levels are common symptoms of hormone imbalances. After starting BHRT, you might have more energy and feel less tired throughout the day, which can be a great benefit if you’ve struggled with fatigue for a long time.

Improved sleep

Hormone imbalances can also impact your sleep quality and quantity. After starting BHRT, you might find you’re sleeping better and waking up feeling more rested. This restful feeling can affect your overall quality of life and help you be more productive during the day.

Relief from hot flashes and night sweats

If you're experiencing hot flashes and night sweats due to menopause or andropause, BHRT can be a lifesaver. In many cases, these symptoms improve after just a few weeks of treatment, making a huge difference in your daily life and helping you feel more comfortable and confident.

Improved libido

Low libido is a common symptom of hormone imbalances, but BHRT can help by balancing the hormones responsible for your sexual function, such as testosterone and estrogen. Treatment helps increase your sex drive and enhance your sexual performance.

Since your body is unique and different from others, you might not experience the changes mentioned above after just one month of BHRT. It can take time for your hormones to balance and your symptoms to improve. For some, it can take up to three months to notice the changes you’re expecting.

However, you can feel confident about the care we offer. Throughout your treatment, Dr. Riegel and our team work closely with you, monitoring your progress at every step and making any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan to give you a successful outcome.

Is BHRT safe?

Though BHRT offers many benefits, potential risks and side effects might include:

Before your treatment, we discuss the benefits as well as the potential risks so you can make an informed decision about whether it’s a good choice for you. With the right approach, BHRT can be a safe and effective way to balance your hormones and improve your quality of life.

To schedule a consultation with us at The Riegel Center, call our friendly office staff at 972-612-9977 or click here to book online today.

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