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Understanding Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Anti-Aging

Understanding Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Anti-Aging

Hormones are the body’s messenger system, controlling virtually every function you need to live. A natural consequence of aging is the reduced production of certain key hormones, estrogens in women and testosterone in men. 

Menopause is a key hormonal event in women, and while male menopause (called andropause) isn’t as clearly defined, many men undergo changes that are roughly comparable to the female experience. In both cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be a solution when symptoms become extreme. 

Dr. Christopher J. Riegel of The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas is a leading specialist in hormone replacement technology, an innovator who develops his own HRT formulas to meet the specific needs of his patients. Further focusing on specialized types of hormones called bioidentical for their exact molecular match to the hormones produced by the body, Dr. Riegel combined his expertise in gynecology and endocrinology and applied these to anti-aging and wellness. 

Hormone production and aging

As the dominant gender hormone for women, the role of estrogen is widespread throughout the body, and as the balance of this key messenger fades, many of its effects contribute directly and indirectly to the aging process. This can include the drying out of skin, loss of bone and muscle mass, and unwelcome changes to your metabolism. 

In men, testosterone is the primary hormone. While declining testosterone production generally creates less dramatic changes than in female menopause, it’s still responsible for an increase in the speed of aging. Men not only lose muscle mass, but they can also find it harder to rebuild that mass through exercise. Though men don’t suffer as much from osteoporosis as women, their bones can still lose density and become more brittle. 

Hormone changes in both women and men can disrupt sleep. Without proper rest, the body’s self-repair mechanisms work less efficiently, also contributing to accelerated aging. 

The case for bioidentical hormones

HRT has long been used to treat the symptoms of menopause, caused by declining estrogen levels at the end of a woman’s reproductive life. Long-term use can lead to side effects and complications, but it’s generally accepted that hormone replacement is the best way to treat severe symptoms, including hot flashes. 

One potential issue with artificially manufactured hormones is that while they may work with the body as expected, they may not precisely match natural hormones in chemical structure. It’s thought that, though small, these discrepancies may be responsible for side effects of HRT. 

Artificial hormones that are exact replicas in molecular structure can be made. These are called bioidentical hormones, used for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Because of this precise match, artificial hormones can bind with receptors within your body in the same way that natural hormones do. 

While it’s possible for Dr. Riegel to prescribe “off the shelf” hormone replacements, he draws on his own 30 years of research to create custom-compounded bioidentical replacement hormones to meet the precise needs of each patient, based on physical exams and blood chemistry tests. 

Your customized BHRT is compounded following Dr. Riegel’s instructions. After a trial period of a month, your blood is reevaluated to confirm the expected responses. When your hormone levels return toward normal balances, you’ll start to both see and feel the anti-aging difference that BHRT can make. 

Contact The Riegel Center to arrange a consultation by phone or online. BHRT helps to make your efforts to remain youthful more effective. Let Dr. Riegel develop the custom formula that’s right for you. 

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