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The Link Between Hormones and Sleep

The Link Between Hormones and Sleep

A lack of restful, quality sleep makes you tired, sluggish, and irritable the next day. Chronic poor sleep can also multiply your risk of severe health complications, including heart disease and diabetes.

Struggling to get a good night’s rest could be due to a hormone imbalance. At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, hormone specialist Christopher Riegel, MD, can help you regulate your sleep with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for sleep management

Today, let’s explore the link between hormones and sleep.

Hormones affect your circadian rhythm

Produced by your endocrine system, hormones act as chemical messengers that control your body’s functions, including your:

Hormones also impact your circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock that controls sleep-wake cycles. 

Influenced by environmental cues such as changes in daylight, the circadian rhythm helps ensure consistent sleep by naturally causing you to feel awake and alert during the day and tired at night. 

A disruption in your circadian rhythm can cause problems with falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. You may also frequently feel tired in the middle of the day.

How hormone imbalance impacts your sleep

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep patterns and tells your body when it’s time to go to sleep. Changes in blue light from the sun trigger the pineal gland in your brain to produce more melatonin as bedtime approaches.

When you wake up each morning, melatonin levels decrease, helping you feel alert and ready for your day. However, artificial blue light from electronics can disrupt your melatonin levels and circadian rhythm.

Imbalances in your hormone levels can also occur due to:

If your body cannot produce sufficient melatonin or other hormones, it may cause ongoing sleep difficulties. While a hormone imbalance can affect sleep, poor sleep can make an existing imbalance worse.

Chronic sleep deprivation also increases your risk of developing chronic health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diabetes. A lack of quality sleep can also contribute to obesity and depression.

On the other hand, too much sleep can also hurt your health. Symptoms associated with sleeping for more than nine hours include:

How to rebalance your hormones

Simple lifestyle modifications can assist in naturally restoring your sleep quality. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night and establish a routine of waking up and going to bed at the same time each day. 

Consider these tips to get a better night’s sleep:

If you’re still concerned you’re not getting the rest you need, Dr. Riegel can help. We test your hormone levels to uncover the root cause of your sleep problems. This allows Dr. Riegel to develop a customized bioidentical hormone formula to rebalance your hormones.

Hormone replacement therapy can help you sleep better and feel years younger. To learn more, call or click to make an appointment at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas.

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