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Menopause: What It Is & What You Need To Know

Menopause is a natural process that women go through in their 40’s or 50’s. It is the natural decline in a woman’s reproductive organs and is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. The time before menopause is considered perimenopause. This is the time period leading up to menopause when you naturally start to run out of eggs and your hormones begin to change. A woman’s ovaries store eggs and produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

These hormones control menstruation as well as ovulation (the releasing of the eggs). Menopause occurs once a female is out of eggs and no longer releasing them each month. Menopause not only affects your physical health, but your mental as well.

Symptoms of Menopause

Many women are often misled when it comes to learning about menopause and don’t know when or what to expect. According to The Mayo Clinic, the start of menopause is signaled by 12 months since a woman’s last menstruation. Symptoms of menopause include the following:

Those are just the physical changes though. Many women often experience depression, anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, lack of focus, and memory loss during this time as well. Menopause can really take a toll on a women’s body which is why it’s recommended to seek treatment to help with the symptoms caused by menopause.

How to Treat

When you’re going through menopause (before/during/after), it’s extremely important to make sure your hormones are balanced. A few ways to balance your hormones are:

At The Riegel Center, we will schedule an initial consultation with you to discover what concerns you are having. From there we will schedule a blood test to determine your hormone levels and which hormones are out of balance. Dr. Riegel will develop a plan of care for you and provide the hormone supplements to bring your hormone levels back in balance. With hormone therapy you will start to feel like your pre-menopausal self.


The Riegel Center is located in Plano, Texas but offers virtual hormone therapy sessions to clients all across the United States. Dr. Riegel is highly trained in natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We specialize in treating both women and men in hormone therapy. Take our quiz to see if you might benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

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