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How Does Testosterone Affect Aging?

How Does Testosterone Affect Aging?

When people hear the phrase “hormone replacement therapy,” they may immediately think of menopause. Men’s bodies and hormone levels also change—perhaps less dramatically, but with significant impacts. 

Testosterone is the hormone generally associated with masculinity, but in addition to helping you add muscle and grow a beard, testosterone has an important role in your overall health. At The Riegel Center, Christopher Riegel, MD, and his team work to help our clients enjoy an optimal, vigorous level of health and well-being. Often, that includes a customized bioidentical hormone formula to address a hormone imbalance

Let’s discuss how testosterone levels typically change over your lifetime, and how it feels when your hormones are out of balance—and what you can do about it. 

Age and testosterone

At different times in your life, your hormone levels change. For most men, testosterone levels follow a typical pattern: 

Peak testosterone production

In early adulthood, your testosterone levels reach a peak, and you enjoy the development of secondary sexual characteristics like facial hair, a more prominent Adam’s apple, increased muscle mass, and bone density. During this phase of your life, you’re at your physical and sexual prime. 

Decreased testosterone production

As you reach your mid- to late twenties, your testosterone levels begin to decrease. As the years pass, the decrease accelerates. Lower testosterone levels can lead to a hormone imbalance that causes lower energy levels, moodiness, and decreased sexual function. 

How low testosterone impacts your health

Some of the changes you feel as you age can be attributed to normal aging, but some may be attributable to lower testosterone levels and can be addressed. 

Lower libido

You may find that your interest in sex is diminished or that your performance is off. 

Lower energy levels

Do you feel tired all the time, or just less energetic than you once were? Some men with a hormonal imbalance describe an overall feeling of lethargy. 


You might feel like you're moody or as if you change from one mood to another quickly, without explanation. Hormonal changes can cause mood changes, irritability, and sometimes even feelings of depression. 

Reduced muscle mass

Testosterone is important for muscle and bone health. An imbalance can lead to less muscle mass and strength and lower bone density, which could raise the risk of bone fractures. 

Regaining your hormonal balance

Although it’s normal for your body to produce less testosterone over time, there are some things you can do to support hormonal balance and to feel your best. 

Live a healthy life

Consume a healthy, varied diet, exercise regularly, and get enough high-quality sleep. These three things are hallmarks of a healthy lifestyle and support proper hormone balance. 

Manage your stress levels

Chronic stress can inhibit testosterone production. Although some elements of modern life are simply stressful, you can manage stress through activities such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness training. 

Get moving

Aim to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week and incorporate strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility training into your routine. Regular physical activity helps maintain muscle mass and boost testosterone production. 

Get expert help

You can do everything right and still experience significant symptoms related to hormone imbalance. When that’s the case, it’s time to seek the counsel of an experienced professional like Dr. Riegel and his team. 

You can expect a thorough consultation, including blood tests, a conversation about your symptoms, and a discussion of your lifestyle. Dr. Riegel assesses your situation and makes a treatment plan to help you reach your goals based on your individual test results and situation. 

Don’t just live with feeling tired and out of sorts. We can help you regain your energy and vigor. Schedule an appointment at The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, today.

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