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Hormones And Your Vision

Mood, weight, complexion and energy-levels are all at the mercy of your hormones during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause.

However, did you know that your vision can be affected as well?

If you’re a woman nearing or at the age of puberty or menopause, or happen to be pregnant, don’t be alarmed if your vision starts to change. This is a completely normal side effect of the increase in estrogen the body is suddenly experiencing.

For young women entering puberty, an increase in nearsightedness is expected – a direct result of an increase in estrogen. For pregnant women, an increase in progesterone can cause blurred vision. And for women entering menopause, a decrease in nearsightedness is normal. Dry eyes are also a common side effect in all cases.

Hormone Therapy May Help With Vision Problems

“There’s little research on hormone replacement therapy and vision,” said Dr. Christopher Riegel. “However, what is there is positive. Superoxide dismutase – a powerful antioxidant – activity goes up in the lens of the eye in the presence of estradiol. That is an anti-aging effect.”

Dr. Riegel noted that he began hormone replacement for testosterone and HGH, and his vision “markedly improved” when he started.

“It’s probably the same effect as estradiol,” he said. “Hormones are great for the body. High hormones are why you feel bulletproof at age 17.”

A Healthy Lifestyle Is Good For Your Eyes

It’s always a good idea to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but vision is often forgotten about when considering the merits of a healthy diet.

An emphasis on omega-3 oils, plus an extra helping of vegetables while avoiding processed food can help support overall eye health and vision.

If your vision seems to be suffering and you’ve been considering hormone therapy, come visit The Riegel Center today!

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