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Hormonal Imbalance: How It Affects Your Health And Signs To Look For

It seems to happen quite often, but don’t worry – the shifting of your hormone levels is completely normal! During menopause, before and after periods, during a pregnancy – these are all completely reasonable times to feel like your hormones are out of whack.

However, a hormonal imbalance is also a possibility, depending on the situation (menopause, pregnancy, or a period) and the length of an episode. And no one enjoys the symptoms that come with a hormone problem. 

A hormonal imbalance means that you have too much or too little of a certain hormone, and even a slight change in body chemistry can cause serious effects on your body. Think of it this way – hormones regulate appetite, metabolism, sleep cycles, heart rate, sexual function, and even body temperature. That’s a lot of responsibility! 

In general, it’s best to keep an eye out for these main symptoms; if they are happening regularly (and not just following a period, or during menopause and a pregnancy), you may need to speak to a doctor about a possible hormone imbalance. 

Hot Flashes

This is a super common symptom that most women report, along with night sweats. Hot flashes usually last up to five minutes. The cause? Low estrogen levels, according to medical experts. 

Decreased Sex Drive

No desire for sex? This is a common symptom of a hormone imbalance, as variations in estrogen are a key symptom. 


An imbalance of thyroxin – a hormone produced in the thyroid – could be the reason why you’re feeling constantly tired. Keep an eye on this one, and consider possibly keeping a journal of when you feel the most tired – if you’ve just slept for 10 hours and you feel tired a few hours later, you may be suffering from a hormone imbalance. 


No, your body hasn’t suddenly transported back to high school – a recurrence of acne is a symptom of hormone imbalance. 

Stomach Issues

Nausea, constipation, constant diarrhea – again, this might be another time to keep a journal of the amount of times you suffer a stomach “episode” and what it entails. It could just be a stomach bug; or, it could be a symptom of hormone imbalance. 

Vaginal Itching

Feeling some discomfort down there? If the discomfort doesn’t fade and a yeast, urinary tract or other infection has been ruled out, vaginal itching can be a sign of hormone imbalance. Have your doctor check you out if you experience severe discomfort. 

Other symptoms to note:

These are some of the most common symptoms of a hormone imbalance in a female. If you are experiencing anything like this, we would love to help! Take our hormone test to see if these services with The Riegel Center are right for you! To book an appointment, click here.

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