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5 Telltale Signs You're Dealing with Anxiety

5 Telltale Signs You're Dealing with Anxiety

Identifying anxiety can be challenging. The vast majority of people will go through periods of worry and have days when they feel anxious. That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re living with an anxiety disorder.

Instead, anxiety disorders come with a specific set of symptoms. Beyond that, there are several different types of anxiety disorders. Phobias are anxiety disorders, as is panic disorder, which causes panic attacks. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most common type of anxiety disorder, affecting roughly 5% of Americans

Christopher Riegel, MD wants to help people living with an anxiety disorder get the care they need. At The Riegel Center in Plano, Texas, he can help you find the right treatment based on the type of anxiety that’s affecting you and your specific symptoms. 

That begs the question: should you talk to Dr. Riegel about anxiety? Here are five symptoms that indicate you could be living with an anxiety disorder. 

#1: A pervasive sense of worry

Most people worry about certain things in certain seasons of life. But if you feel like you constantly carry around a sense of worry, an anxiety disorder could be to blame. 

Consider the role worry plays in your life. Do you worry more than most people? Are you constantly concerned that something bad will happen? If so, you may have an anxiety disorder.

#2: Agitation and irritability

Anxiety disorders disrupt your mental wellness, and that can affect how you go about your day. It’s common for people with an anxiety disorder to feel like they’re on a hair trigger, often leading to irritability and agitation. 

#3: Fear that feels overwhelming

Just like worry, fear is a normal part of the human experience. But when you’re mentally healthy, you have an easier time coping with fear. When you have an anxiety disorder, the fear can shape your days, preventing you from doing things you love. If that sounds like you, talk to Dr. Riegel about your feelings of anxiety. 

#4: Restlessness

Pervasive anxiety can make it hard to feel calm or settled. A lot of people with anxiety disorders deal with trouble concentrating, insomnia, and overall restlessness. 

#5: Unexplained physical symptoms

Anxiety takes a toll on your body and can cause a wide range of unwelcome symptoms that you can’t explain. That includes:

If a lot of these symptoms hit you at once and feel crushing, you might be having a panic attack

Does any of this sound familiar? If so, don’t hesitate to talk to Dr. Riegel. Call our office or book your appointment online today to get started.

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